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News and events

Bumblebee Identification Walks 2007

Scotland - 9th August 2-4pm. Hunt for bumblebees on Stirling University's beautiful campus. Meet outside the MacRobert Centre. Spaces are limited so please email to book a place.

Southern England - 5th August 2-4pm. At Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Please email to reserve your place

Eastern England - 8th August - time to be confirmed. Catfield Church, Norfolk. Learn about wildflowers, butterflies and bumblebees. Please email  to reserve your place

Western Isles - 8th August 2-4pm. Enjoy some of the UK's rarest bumblebees in pristine S. Uist machair with local expert Bill Neil. Meet at the Studio Gallery, Askernish. Places are limited so please contact Bill in advance on

Midlands - 5th August 2pm - 4pm. Hunt for bumblebees in the University of Leicester Botanic Garden with local expert Maggie Frankum. Please email Maggie at for more information and to reserve your place.

W. Scotland (Glencoe area) – 29th July & 12th August 1pm onwards. Search for the rare Blaeberry bumblebee and Moss Carder bumblebee with Emma Heskey – more information from

Southern England, High Wycombe Environment Centre – 19th August 3pm onwards. Learn how to identify bumblebees with local expert Clive Hill. Places limited to please email to book your place.

London and the South East – Buglife are co-ordinating a number of bumblebee ID days throughout July and August as part of their ‘All of a buzz in the Thames gateway’ project, and we’re keen not to duplicate efforts – so if you live in this area then see the Buglife website

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Summer Surveys!

Please do your bit by getting involved in our summer bumblebee surveys. Anyone can take part - you don't need to be an expert. What species of bumblebee do you have in your area, or in your garden?

Why not print off the ID guide and wander down the garden now? If you're not sure of the identification, you can us a digital photo - we'll let you know what species you have. More information here

Events 2007
Come and meet us!

April 14th - Royal Entomological Society - York
May 20/21 - Arran Wildlife Festival - Isle of Arran
May 26/27 - Bioblitz/B in the Park - Motherwell (nr Glasgow)
June 1-3 - Gardening Scotland - Edinburgh
July 3-8 - Hampton Court Flower Show - London
July 28th - BRISC Pollinators Workshop - Plean

August 4th - Gorgie Farm Open Day - Edinburgh
August 12th - Vogrie Country Park Festival - Midlothian
September 13th - Bee Pollination Talk - Dobbies Garden Centre, Dunfermline

Reserves - developments...

We are close to securing a management agreement over our first reserve. The site is well located, which will allow lots of people to visit and learn about bumblebees. It's also at a historical site for the Great Yellow Bumblebee, so our long-term aim is to see it return there... More soon...

Nest box trial
Summer 2007

Many of you will have seen bumblebee nesting boxes for sale, but we're not sure if they ever work! This summer we're conducting a large-scale trial, to try and get these commercial boxes to work, and to test a number of cheaper alternatives.

Click here (or on the picture) to find out more about our nest box trial, and how you can get involved. Some of the designs are very easy to make, and will cost you absolutely nothing!

GYBB Research
Summer 07-09

A large research project has just started, supervised by BBCT, looking at how to best manage habitats for the Great Yellow Bumblebee. PhD student Nicky Redpath has started her research already and will soon be off to Oronsay to start her field trials.

We hope to find out a lot more about this fascinating and beautiful bumblebee.

Great Yellow Bumblebee - Action
Jan 2007

SNH have kindly funded a (£17,000) project to help the Great Yellow Bumblebee (B. distinguendus). We're producing 400 interactive schools packs for P2-3 children. These packs provide all of the resources and information necessary for 3 exciting lessons, which are integrated into the national curriculum. They've been trialled (and very well received) at a number of schools throughout Scotland, and the final packs are in production. Any interested teachers from Scottish schools, please contact us.

We've also produced information leaflets and posters for farmers and crofters, which will be widely distributed in GYBB strongholds. We hope to help improve the management in these areas, for the benefit of GYBB. 

Wildlife Gardens
Jan 2007

Plans for our own demonstration wildlife garden (at the University of Stirling) are taking shape. We're hoping to create a beautiful cottage garden, using traditional garden plants and wildflowers, which will be a haven for bumblebees.

In addition, we are developing a wildlife garden site at Johnston Terrace in the centre of Edinburgh, in partnership with the Scottish Wildlife Trust

Nov 06

We are delighted to welcome Bridget England and Lucie Southern to the trust. They have taken up full-time positions as Senior Conservation Officer and Conservation Officer respectively. We are very pleased to have them on board, and wish them every success in all that they do.

Charity Status
Oct 06

BBCT are pleased to announce that we have been granted charity status (). We had previously been operating as a not-for-profit company while the paperwork was processed. If you haven't already - pleased print and post a gift-aid form.

Sniffer Dog!
July 06

Meet Quinn, our newly trained bumblebee sniffer dog. You'll be hearing a lot more about him in the near future...

It might seem a little off-the-wall, but in fact, Quinn is just what BBCT needs. He'll enable us to find out the populations sizes of the rare bees we're trying to conserve. At the moment we don't know if there are 2 nests in remaining strongholds, or 2000!

He'll also help us learn more about where bumblebees like to nest.

See a video of Quinn in action

Reserve Appeal
July 06

NEW! We are searching for Reserve Founders. Thanks to the amazing support that we have already received, we are now in a position to consider buying or managing our first nature reserve. We are going to need help to raise the extra funds to do this. To find out how you can become a Reserve Founder, or to support our Reserve Appeal - click here

BBCT meets the BBC
July 06

On Sunday 16th July, the BBC's Countryfile program included an excellent feature on bumblebee conservation.

BBCT were asked to contribute, which we were only too pleased to do.

The article highlighted the problems faced by the nations bumblebees, and outlined steps that farmers and gardeners alike can take to help improve their plight.


We are delighted to announce that we have just been awarded two major grants to help kick-start our conservation efforts. The £50,000 and £28,000 grants come from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Biodiversity Action Grants Scheme (which is jointly supported by Scottish Natural Heritage and the Scottish Executive) respectively. We are enormously grateful to these organisations and look forward to the important work ahead.

Sunday 4th June


BBC Springwatch 'Breathing Places' on Southampton Common