In order to conserve our bumblebees, it's crucial that we understand them
Here's where you can help.....
Beewatch 2007 We urgently need your help to map the distributions of our bumblebees (even the common species). Please record what species you see in your garden, or when out for a walk. Try to identify them yourself, but if you're uncertain then take a digital photograph and email it to us - we will identify it and let you know what species you have. Please include a post-code (or grid-ref) and date in your email...!
Keep records on a recording form
Take photos of unusual bees
us your records!
BTO Garden Beewatch We've teamed up with BTO to give you Garden Beewatch! You record the birds (and bees) in your garden each week, and submit the data online or by post. Sophisticated online software allows you to view changes throughout the year, compare your garden to others nationally, and generate all sorts of fascinating information and statistics
Visit the BTO website and sign up
Nest Box Trial These days most good wildlife gardens contain several bird nesting boxes. The birds use them, and we love watching them building their nests and raising chicks. Not surprisingly, bumblebees need homes too! They probably struggle to find natural nesting sites, so we're keen to encourage people to start providing artificial sites in their gardens.....
Visit this page and find out more
Hypnorum Survey We're very interested to record the spread of our new arrival, the Tree Bumblebee (B. hypnorum). This species arrived about 6 years ago from France, and is gradually spreading north. It's a very distinctive looking bee - take a photo if you can and let us know where you see it!

Look out for the Tree Bumblebee
us if you see one!